Life Balance Institute

The Institute

The Symbolic Meaning of the Turtle

Sea turtles are more ancient than any other vertebrate animal: they watched the dinosaurs evolve and even become extinct. They survived the Earth's ages of ice and continue to flourish.

Through the ages and cultures, turtles have many meanings. Some believe the turtle is the symbol of the primal mother and connected to the lunar cycle.

In the Far East it was believed the shell was a symbol of heaven and the square underside was a symbol of earth. The turtle could help you unite heaven and earth within you own life.

Ancient myths describe the world as resting on the turtle's back.

Others believe the turtle is associated with longevity, great age, and wisdom.

The turtle represents and has qualities that are congruent with the beliefs and teachings of the Life Balance Institute. The turtle naturally withdraws and goes within when in turmoil. It does not need to learn the importance of this, it naturally knows.

The turtle's whole life is one of steadfastness of effort and patience. Slow and steady: A life of 'non-doing'. There is a saying "home is where the heart is". The turtle is always at home within itself.

May we learn from these ancient creatures.